Examining The Role of Core Self Evaluation and Learning Goal Orientation in Determining Individual Ambidexterity


  • Hadia Awan PhD (Scholar) Lyallpur Business School, GCU, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Masood Nawaz Kalyar Assistant Professor, Lyallpur Business School, GCU, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Sharjeel Saleem Associate Professor, Lyallpur Business School, GCU, Faisalabad, Pakistan




Core self-evaluation, Learning goal orientation, Individual ambidexterity


Purpose-The recent astronomical growth witnessed in the study and the importance of achieving organizational ambidexterity by scholars, the ensuing focus on promoting individual ambidexterity to achieve organizational ambidexterity, and the further focus on the micro-foundations of individual ambidexterity warrants to dig deep into the factors that determine individual ambidexterity. Research has largely missed the individual differences in people that may either promote or hinder their ambidextrous behavior. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of core self-evaluation as a broad personality trait in determining the ambidextrous behaviors of employees at an individual level. This study also investigates the role of learning goal orientation as a mediator between core self-evaluation and individual ambidexterity.

Design/Methodology/Approach-This study uses data from 396 managerial level employees collected through structured questionnaires in two waves from various organizations across multiple industries. Data is analyzed through Hayes Process Macro using SPSS and Amos v.24.

Findings -The data analysis shows that core self-evaluation has a positive impact on individual ambidexterity and that learning goal orientation mediates the relationship between core self-evaluation and individual ambidexterity.

Practical Implications-This study offers significant implications for human resource managers and top management of the organization by highlighting the importance of selecting employees with positive core self-evaluation and the importance of encouraging those employees to set learning-oriented goals.

Originality/Value-Very few researchers have studied the impact of the personality trait of core self-evaluation on complex but desired behavioural outcomes in organizations. The individual differences between employees play an important role in their behavioural manifestations, hence, understanding the differences is crucial to achieving goals and success. This study positively contributes to the literature on core self-evaluation and individual ambidexterity by demonstrating a positive link between them.

Author Biographies

  • Masood Nawaz Kalyar, Assistant Professor, Lyallpur Business School, GCU, Faisalabad, Pakistan

    Assistant Professor

    Lyallpur Business School

    Government College University, Faisalabad

  • Sharjeel Saleem, Associate Professor, Lyallpur Business School, GCU, Faisalabad, Pakistan

    Associate Professor

    Lyallpur Business School

    Government College University, Faisalabad


