The Influence of Role Model & Learning Orientation on Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions: Does Creativity, Proactiveness & Opportunism Matter?


  • Madiha Gohar NUST Business School
  • Ayehsa Abrar Assistant Professor, NUST Business School, NUST Islamabad
  • Fizza Khalid NUST Business School, NUST Islamabad
  • Maria Khan NUST Business School, NUST Islamabad



Entrepreneurial intentions, Personality traits, Learning Orientation


Purpose - This research aims to explore the impact of learning orientation and role models on students' entrepreneurial intentions (SEIs) by uniquely combining these external environmental factors with students’ personality traits (creativity, proactiveness, and opportunism) to understand the formation of SEIs in Pakistani context.

Study Design/Methodology/Approach - Data was collected through a questionnaire from university-level students enrolled in Undergraduate and master’s programs. The Preacher and Hayes process model and structural equation modeling method were used to analyze the data. Correlation analysis and reliability were checked by SPSS version 23.0.

Findings- The findings suggest a positive influence of RM and LO on students' entrepreneurial intention, which indicates that the RM and LO contribute to entrepreneurship development, particularly in enhancing EI. Among the three personality characteristics creativity seems to be partially influenced by the existence of role models, but along with proactiveness makes strong antecedents of EI.

Originality/Novelty- This study contributes to existing literature by providing information to educational policymakers for successfully designing, assessing, and implementing entrepreneurship programs. In addition, this study contributes to the knowledge by investigating the factors that might boost or impede students' entrepreneurial intention among Pakistani students.


